Therapeutic Success with novel blood washing therapy - Interview with Dr. Ahmed Sheriff

Hennigsdorf, August 2021 - The medical technology company Pentracor GmbH, based in Hennigsdorf near Berlin, publishes an interview with CEO Dr. Ahmed Sheriff.

The innovative and cutting-edge therapy CRP apheresis convinces.

Avoiding serious tissue damage in myocardial infarction and preserving cardiac output. A clinical study on CRP apheresis after myocardial infarction showed significantly positive results. Other cases in clinical practice support these results. Similarly, 9 Covid-19 patients - one before and the others in intensive care - have recovered. The majority were already on artificial ventilation. Unfortunately, about 50 percent of these patients die under normal conditions when treated according to guidelines.

Sat.1 reports on CRP apheresis as salvation for COVID-19 patients


The Sat.1 morning show has reported on CRP apheresis treatment for COVID-19 patients.

At the Klinikum Havelhöhe, the therapy is now used for many severely ill Corona patients - with promising results. Nevertheless, all funding applications for a large clinical trial were unsuccessfully rejected. The trial is needed to make the therapy available to COVID-19 patients throughout Germany.